The similarities between Go and stock speculation: intelligent game, the overall

  • 2024-04-20

Go and stock trading, seemingly unrelated, actually share many similarities.They both begi

What are the tricks to grab the rebound of stocks? How to avoid risks and achiev

  • 2024-04-07

In stock investing, the rebound market is like the mysterious and unpredictable changes in

Secrets to investing in the financial market: practice with empty positions, act

  • 2024-03-31

As a seasoned investor in the financial markets, I have likely experienced almost all the


Why can traders continue to make profits? You can do it if you stick to the bott

  • 2024-03-27

Hello everyone, it's great to see you all again. These past few days, Changzhou has entere

The game of trading-the truth of financial investment.

  • 2024-03-21

Hegel once said, "Human nature remains unchanged for thousands of years and never learns f

The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak. Follow these

  • 2024-03-21

Our individual investors often get involved in a particular stock due to recommendations f

Right stage: What is the core of trading system design? How should traders solve

  • 2024-03-20

Today, let's discuss the third stage in the growth process of professional traders—The Rig

Solve the lag problem of MACD, and never be an indicator receiver again.

  • 2024-03-20

In the previous section, we discussed an article that helps you tackle 90% of investment c

Indicator: high-wave ladder wave, accurate and reasonable selling area.

  • 2024-03-15

Precise and reasonable selling area.Why not call it a selling point? Because a point is to

Confession of a professional trader: Be loyal to yourself before opening a posit

  • 2024-03-09

Hello everyone, today I would like to share with you the mindset for opening positions.Pre